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Thursday, November 17, 2011

I got you!

Videos, pictures, information, incentives, and a simple story are engaging ways for me to feel and get connected with a group. I am a very simple person so anything that I can emotional assimilate myself with will most likely be engaging to me.

If I were to create a blog and tell the world my story like I did on my first blog entry for my personal brand; Give You Skills a Bit of Recognition , I would link it to my Facebook, Twitter, and most likely Linkedin.

I would also reach out to blogs I feel encouraging and uplifting to others. Connecting all of theses senses together would bring my target audience closer to me, so a can develop a motivation and balance in their hectic lives.

"Some people think that optimism is about living in a perfect world where everything is nice and bad things never happen to good people. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Optimism really is a courageous state of mind – one that comes from a person’s desire, effort, and choice to accept and make the best of difficult situations." "Be Optimistic" by David Cottrell

Word of mouth is the cheapest and most affective way to "connect” and “engage” an idea. Immediate response from blogers, facebook walls, and twitter messages will let me know how affective my message is.

Everyday I post encouraging uplifting, cheering messages on my facebook page. I get a lot of  feedback saying; “Thank you, I really need to hear that” or “You just made my day”. I might skip a day or two, and I already notice the difference on their reaction asking me if I am okay. What happened to my post?

Why?  Because, I have developed a relationship with them showing them I CARE. Which shows me; I make a difference!  Results!

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