I'm a determined young woman who wants to work in the advertising industry, preferably marketing for food, being my guilty pleasure is indulging in food!
Since I want to work in the advertising industry, why not start by marketing myself!
Talk to anyone that knows me and the first thing they will tell you about me is, "Boy can she eat!" Food equals Jenny!
To me food is the answer to all my problems, it always has a way of making everything better. No matter what type of day I'm having, bad or good I know I can always turn to food to be there. What can I say, I love food, the smell, the taste, that great full feeling after!
Food is universal, a common language that everyone understands. It comes in different tastes and forms.They say do something that makes you happy, food makes me happy, so why not market something I love.
Before this class the only social media tool, that I used was Facebook. Since this class, I've started a LinkedIn account as well as a Twitter. Perfect ways for me to start networking and getting myself out there.
I advertise food and restaurants all the time on my Facebook and Twitter account to my friends and family.
On Facebook I usually use the check-in tool when ever I'm out to eat at a restaurant, it shows people where I am, and make people curious of where the restaurant is, in a way that is subliminally promoting their food and restaurant.
It’s something that comes natural to me, except now I have to start thinking professionally and begin to network with people who work in food industries and advertising agencies.
My cousin currently works for the company BakeMark USA, a sales representative where he goes around to different businesses selling the companies ingredients and pastries.
He is constantly bringing me treats, and I normally take a picture of the pastries and post them on Facebook describing how delicious they are. When people ask me about the treats I give them my cousin’s business card.
So in a way, I am already advertising food, I'm getting his company's name out there. My cousin thanks me all the time for the help even though I don’t do it intentionally.
Being my cousin is already in the field I want to be in he has told me he can help me network with companies on LinkedIn since he’s already networking with them, maybe even work in his company.
My main target audience, would be directly towards house wives, women and whoever enjoys food. Mostly people dealing with food and women who take care of their families.
I'm not really sure if this is the exact road I'll take to get where I want be in a few years, but hey it’s a start, a girl can dream and my dreams will come true.
I will work to advertise for what I love, and that’s food!
Jennifer! Oh Jennifer!
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I want to give you an A on this assignment. Tell me what I can do???
I have gone in and edited what I can ... but that's me doing it for you. Let's talk!