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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Point Proven

In class on Monday we talked about the advertisements that come up on our Facebook page that are directed towards us due to certain things we like, our age, our region, etc.

In my class today I was not paying attention and looking for fishbowls to get for my bar for an event. So i had a website up called Nextag. I kept the site up and opened a new window to check my celebrity gossip and an advertisement on this site was for Nextag!!!!

I must say I am blown away! That is perfect advertisement placement. Even though they didn't have what I needed, I plan on searching the site for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Nice - that's kind of strange, huh?
    Glad that it wasn't my class you weren't paying attention in (wow, is my grammar bad in this comment).

