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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Branding-ball (revision)

So you want to know what my Band is.

Well Judging by my appearance, (6'5 and pretty fit) my resume, (all county in high school, 3 year varsity Letterman, two year captain, and a ton of letters from schools flooding my mail box) and the title of this blog, (branding-ball) which is obviously a humorous attempt to combine my interest as a brand, you can pretty much tell I'm all about athletics.

I love sports but there is one that stands out of all the others. its The absolutely wonderful game of basketball. 

The process that I'm currently going though is converting myself from a player to a coach. Now who am I coaching you you might ask?

 I would like to develop kids who already have a love for the game and are willing to unlock their potential.

So there pretty much goes about 70% of my target audience. Now the reason I said about 70% is because I'd like to reserve the other 30% to parents who feel like their child would benefit from this.

rodlin pierre

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