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Friday, September 30, 2011

Social Media in the Work Place? .. YES!

As the times change social media is becoming more and more involved in the work place. Employees can use this to their advantage and help improve the companies internal and external goals.

Say the company is rather large, and not everyone knows each other, social media can help improve employee relations with in the company.

Say the company works with sales directly to customers, social media can improve sales and client/company relationships.

Like Alison Davis, our guest speaker Monday, said there are at least 31% of CEO's on Facebook for both personal and business relationships. If CEO's are on Facebook, why should employees of these companies be denied social media through out the day.

It's a new form of communicating. Yes, some people may think it can be dangerous but the way the social media train is going , it will become essential in everyones everyday life. Its those people who use social media in a negative way that hurt the idea for others.

The company I personally work for doesn't have any type of social media, but hopefully with the knowledge I receive from this class and the topics we cover I can bring ideas to my supervisors and I can  create a role of the companies Social Media Leader.

Every company in the near future will have some sort of social media, its just how the times are changing.

Kayla Kaplan

Monday, September 26, 2011

What happens when a resume isn't enough anymore?

Late-night television is quite interesting, especially if you stay up long enough to watch the programs run out and the commercials take over. On one of my insomnia-plagued nights, I made an attempt to bore myself to sleep and turned on the television.

Much to my amusement (which was the opposite of what I was trying to achieve at this point), I found a commercial for this little gem:

To be quite frank, this commercial scared the living hell out of me.

According to the website, the purpose of this online reputation management tool is to “control how you look on the Internet. People searching for you are judging you, too – defend yourself against digital discrimination.”

It had never occurred to me to type my name into a search engine, but suddenly, at 2:46 AM, this seemed to be a crucial task. Unlike the commercial’s characters, who had their reputation “attacked” by harsh online remarks, nothing came up for my name at all.

So what’s worse: the necessity for or not having a reputation to defend?

I’ll tell you the answer: both. At the end of the day, whether you have a bad personal brand or none at all, it still means that you don’t have control of your personal brand.

Being a spawn of the technology generation comes with its pros and cons. The double-edged sword in this situation is that while your online image can be as important as your work experience, it can also be as dangerous as a criminal record.

But before you pay to have someone else watch your name, here’s how I would build my personal brand using social media so I won’t end up like the poor souls on the commercial:

1. Become a rockstar. My personal brand describes who I am, it's simple but loud: eccentric marketing apprentice. I know what I'm after and I define it clearly; as a marketing lover, I know creativity is key yet as a student, I'm still learning.

2. Find some groupies. Finding a following is very difficult when you don’t who to talk to. I know how awkward I am with people my own age, so I always cater to the professional, post-college crowd that sees my perspective as “spunky yet mature”.

3. Pick the perfect guitar. Sure, there’s millions of social media platforms to choose from, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. I stick to three, all of which are in tune with my brand objectives and make it much easier for damage control in the future.

4. DON’T WRITE 10 MINUTE SONGS! The average adult cannot sustain attention for more than 20 minutes. So when I blog, I make sure I can read it in under five because it’s better for your audience to crave more than to get sick of it all.

5. Get the roadies in on the fun, too. What goes around, comes around. I always shout-out/ retweet/ share articles about my company (MIDDLE ATLANTIC RULES!) not only because it shows off my ability to publicize, but I'll be referred back to the company when someone searches it.

6. Go platinum. The only way to measure your success is against your own objectives. At the end of the day, if I can use my new knowledge to create a crazy and new idea that actually worked, then I can sleep easy.

If you’ve gained nothing else from what I’ve posted, just remember that if you don’t build your own personal brand, you’ll be left with two options: you’re going to end up on or you'll be another one biting the dust.


Hello people!!

So im A little delayed on my first blog. WORK WORK and more WORK!!

  So this is my third time contributing to a class blog and must i say,  their never have been such a meaningful purpose to me of using one than in this class right here. i feel it pretty much hits the "nail on the hammer". What we do in the class has everything to do with social media so being able to socialize in this class without actually being in the class is kind of an advantage when your dissecting a subject that keeps expanding and never sleeps!
i also fell that what ill get out of this class are communications skills and writing skills, a couple of techniques that might be looked over in this class based on obtaining them.
personalty im not one who base his life or remotely care into what "celebrities" are doing so i might past up on intrest in the class about that. but the aspect of using social media to grasp an understanding about how companies us such a tool to promote, advertise, and market themselves is a topic  I fully want to embark in.
rodlin pierre

In MY Six Steps to Crafting Strategy-Applied

While applying the Six Steps to Crafting Strategy I considered a past experience. My experience working at a Sports Bar/Restaurant…

1. Determine your objective:
First thing is first, the objective was to get as many sports fans through the doors as possible. Once that was accomplished, our focus was providing them with the utmost service as they were entertained watching their favorite games.

2. Determine your audience's aptitude:
Our website was our social media which kept all our loyal fans updated on the next big event. Determining by the feedback received was how many fans remained interested, new comers and goers. Although it was not meant to keep an accurate count of how many guests would attend on game nights it gave us a heads up that they were checking in.

3. Carefully select your platforms and tools:

The marketing tools to get the message out about the upcoming events were mainly our website, fliers and even items displaying logos. Everything counts.

4. Avoid content overload- curate the most interesting pieces:

Very important when attracting our guests was providing as much information as possible through very detailed messages. Eye catching displays followed by a specific game schedule below would be very successful in attracting fans.

5. Empower your employees to build their personal brand:
Game nights were very motivated and all employees participated. Employees would be allowed to wear shirts, pins or other items to show they too were able to partake in the event as well as stay focused while at work. I thought this was the best part, allowing everyone to feel that they were partaking.   

6. Measure the initiative's success against your objectives:
To determine how many fans attended event full nights, cover charges kept count. Not only did it help keep track of our fan club, but it also made us aware of the capacity. As much as we wanted all our fans to come and have a good time we didn't want to exceed our building capacity for safety reasons.

In all, our game nights were our most successful!

It's Time to Turn Heads to YOU!

The Six Step Strategy:
 developing your personal brand online (based from SOCIAL MEDIA PR 2.0—THE NEXT GENERATION)
Step 1: Determine your objective: (this may include)
• Improve customer service
• Drive traffic to a site
• Crowdsourcing
• Audience feedback
• Announce a new campaign
• Drive brand awareness
• Introduce a new product
Step 2: Determine your audience’s aptitude:  “Sync up and listen very carefully to how they talk and what they’re interested in".  Because that’s how you’re going to reach them through social media marketing.”
Step 3: Carefully select your platforms and tools.  Don't be everything all at once; keep it simple...
Such as using Twitter for microblogging, photo sharing on Flickr, video sharing on YouTube and Vimeo. Widgets are wonderful—embeddable pieces of code that you create once, and people can pick it up and put it on their blog.  Also, pay special attention to iPhone apps, as they are increasingly being adopted by a wide range of  demographics.  "Choose what works for you and your audience.” 
Step 4: Avoid content overload—curate the most interesting pieces.  Creating your brand voice online, make sure to trim it all down. Oversaturating your audiences with information could cause them to shut you out altogether.  This means: selecting what’s best, most interesting and most useful in terms of business value.
Step 5: Empower your employees to build their personal brand.  If you don’t empower your staff and employees, no one is going to have any enthusiasm for the initiative.” Encourage your staff to become the face behind the business website’s official blogs, and, behind the business's website’s official blogs, and, more recently, Facebook page.  Blogs can be created for the website’s information on law, business and consulting careers, among others.
Step 6: Measure the initiative’ssuccess against your objectives.  Make sure you're not waisting your time on something that isn't working out as anticipated.  Building your brand is a working progress.  You learn from your mistakes, and the key is to keep growing in the right direction.
Remeber, the key to success is to always be the best in whatever it is you do!  Second most important thing is using the available resources around you...
Lidia Yadlos

Ingenious Topics

I have never been the blogging type. I always thought that people who wrote Blogs were people who were just upset at the world and have confrontation issues so they just wrote on the web about it.

Three weeks ago my perceptions changed until I saw the comical side of ones story. My friend told me that he has a lot of down time at work so he just posts random stuff for example: One of his posts was about the importance of office supplies and another was if he could grow facial hair, what kind of manliness he would grow. Here is a short passage in his blog:

"For example, there are a variety of tools with the sole purpose of fastening loose pieces of paper together. At its most basic form, you have the paper clip, which is simple enough and can handle the basic duties of holding some paper together. Next come the binder clips, which have the ability to bind fatter stacks of paper together that an old fashioned paper clip just can't handle. "

After reading his blog daily, I have started to enjoy the purpose of a blog and my perception has changed completely. I look forward to sharing my worthless thoughts and opinions on countless topics.  Cheers.

Steps Needed to Take To Developing My Personal Brand

Step 1: Determine your objective

When determining your objective you have to be aware of your specific marketing mission. Usually you would want to focus on two or three objectives.

Some of the important objectives to consider when planning a strategy are to improve customer service,drive traffic to a site,crowd sourcing,audience feedback,announce a new campaign,drive brand awareness, introduce a new product

Step 2: Determine your audience’s aptitude

When developing a social media strategy it is very important to know your audience and "where there at" so to say and how much they actually know about the topic.

Step 3: Carefully select your platforms and tools

There are many different platforms and tools that can be used, but you always want to
keep it simple. Use things like twitter, you tube, or flickr things that will be easy for you and your audience to use.
Step 4: Avoid content overload—curate the most interesting pieces

It is really important to keep it simple.

Overloading your audience with too much information could cause audiences to shut you out altogether and not even bother, especially if what you have to say is not interesting.

Step 5: Empower your employees to build their personal brand

It is important to encourage your employees to also build their personal brands, because while there is "enthusiasm at the top" of a company there may not be as many people below involved.

Step 6: Measure the initiative’s success against your objectives

"There are many tools available to measure the impact of social media on your brand awareness, sales, service, reputation, innovation and overall ROI."

These tools will help you measure not only the impact of social media for you brand but the price you would pay for not using social media.

Selling Yourself: The Art of Marketing.

Creating your personal brand is essential,
but whether you succeed or fail in doing so is up to YOU.

It is a competitive world out there- I know I'm not the only one trying to get a career; so the question is HOW TO DO IT? The key is not to over sell yourself. The key is to sell yourself as a leader; have an audience.

I have come up with six steps to keep in mind and HELP me make myself "attractive" in the social networks that employers and friends use on an everyday basis.

Step 1. Determine your objective

Take advantage of the latest social media networks to get my profile to reach employers, making relations that can be beneficial in the business world.

Step 2. Determine your audience’s aptitude
Get involved in Facebook, Blogging, Twitter & LinkedIn, relating and treating myself as one of them, but remembering to separate personal from professional.

Step 3. Carefully select your platforms and tools
Facebook to connect with friends/family. Blog- to keep readers updated about WHO I AM. Twitter & LinkedIn- to keep myself updated/connected with work related relations.

Step 4. Avoid content overload- curate the most interesting pieces
Blog/update in short and simple sentences. Not too much detail but not vague information either. Make use of different fonts/formats/images to attract attention and receive feedback.

Step 5. Empower your employees to build their personal brand
Friends or co-workers will see how useful and easy it is to interact with the social media world and will come to ask about it, or take initiative to do so as well.

Step 6. Measure the initiative’s success against your objectives
Receive feedback on what to improve is the goal, getting involved and known in every social network isn’t as important, because I will not be able to keep up with all of them. Better to start small and work yourself up than to be clueless, and look bad in ALL social media networks.

That's all for now.
Millie A.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

6 Steps, 1 Brand!

Okay so I'm still new to this whole Social Media concept, but I am quickly beginning to understand why it is important, and the benefits that can come from it in my future, which is why these 6 steps, can help me in building my personal brand.

1. Determine your objective
By me knowing what I want to accomplish and how I'm willing to do it. What is the message that I want to give to my audience. I don't really tweet or blog, I use Facebook more often, but by having a facebook, twitter, and now a blog I am helping myself build a personal brand so it can help me in the future to network with companies and people.

2.Determine your audience's aptitude
Put myself in my audience's shoes and trying to figure out what they would enjoy to read. Figuring out what makes me different from everyone else can help me in building my personal brand.

3. Carefully select your platforms and tools
Me staying on top of my strategy and being consistent, so I wont lose my audience to others.

4. Avoid content overload-curate the most interesting pieces
Don't beat around the bush and get straight to the point. Too much information will bore my audience. Stick to the script and get my point out there, but also make it interesting to read that it leaves your audience wanting more.

5. Empower your employees to build their personal brand
Well I don't have any employees to empower to build their personal brand, but to friends and everyone else I would recommend putting themselves out there through social media, such as forums, blogs, facebook, twitter, etc.. Its a great way to network with people and businesses.

6. Measure the initiative's success against your objectives
Receive feedback from my audience to know what I can improve on and to know what is or isn't working. Giving good unique content that people haven't seen before will differentiate me from the rest of the crowd, helping me build my personal brand.

Jennifer Campos

6 steps to get myself known in the social media world

Being the fact I don't blog, and the only form of social media I use is Facebook, and that's only for my own personal use, I could use help to get myself out in the social media world for my future.

That's why these 6 steps outlined for an easier way to get your name out there are very helpful.

Step 1: Determine your objective
My objective at this point is to further my social media use for future job opportunities. With sites liked LinkedIn, future employees can look at my profile or what I have to say and see if I would be a good fit for their company.

Step 2: Determine your audience's aptitude
For when I am online the companies I would want to pursue would be on sites like LinkedIn or possibly Twitter. A lot of people are on Facebook which I am as well but that is for my personal use and wouldn't want that to portray me to a future employer

Step 3: Carefully select your platforms and tools
When I am blogging I would talk about not just my strengths, but some of my weaknesses as well. All employers know your human and have down flaws.

Step 4:  Avoid content overload—curate the most interesting pieces
This step is an important step because you don't want to over sell yourself. To much to read is never a good sign. People won't read it.

Step 5: Empower your employees to build their personal brand
Knowing how to use social media is a very good skill, which in return can be used in your future company. I can always use my skill and possibly use it at a new job.

Step 6: Measure the initiative’s success against your objectives
The more places you expose yourself to the more chances to get in contact with future employers. If you limit yourself to only a few areas you missing out!

I will defenitely take these steps and use them to my advantage when it comes the time to look for a job.
Thanks for reading!!
Kayla Kaplan

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Riveting call to action! ( jenn olivencia )

Have you been bombarded with a company’s marketing strategy that seemed to do more damage with spam than it did captivate? We’ve all been there.

It's the combination of atrocious design, poor verbiage, loud or drab colors or just targeting the wrong market (eg: the abundance of “Dear Jenn, this is what you have been waiting for to help you please that special someone…..” Viagra promotions sent to me.) Dude…really…

Let's look back at my own marketing strategy experience at work.

Creating promotions to drive traffic to our trade show booths, launching new products or getting people to follow us on our Twitter and Facebook accounts - I’m going to try to elaborate on the way we planned a promotion using social media as one of our channels:

1.       Determine your objective: During the launch of one of our eco-friendly bags (made from recycled plastic bottles), the marketing director and I collaborated to create a promotion for trade show booth traffic emphasizing on the “green” aspect of our product.

2.       Determine your audience’s aptitude: The first steep was contacting the association (who coordinated the trade show) for their pre-show attendee list. Then getting in touch with the 15,000 pre-show attendees via direct mailer and email blast informing them of our contest: a chance to win a TomTom GPS.

3.       Carefully select your platform and tools: Using hootsuite that fed into twitter and fb (the theory of “killing 2 birds with 1 stone”) helped us reach out to even more people who were not attending the trade show. We were actually able to do drive them to our website and introduce them to our new product.

4.       Avoid content overload – curate the most interesting pieces: the direct mailer was concise, colorful, yet without the overbearing jumble of design.

The rules listed on the back of the mailer (or on our email blast) the were simple and direct: 1) bring the direct mailer or a print-out of the email to our booth. 2) then pick out a bottle cap out of a bin filled with thousands of caps (our bags were made from recycled bottles…hence the bottle caps. Get it?) 3) the person who drew the bottle cap spray painted in gold was the winner of a TomTom GPS!

5.       Empower your employees to build their personal brand: On the day of the trade show (prior to the opening of the doors) my boss and I walked the lobby and told people about our promotion.

For those who didn’t receive a direct mailer/email, we gave each a green bottle cap which they would use as their “ticket” into the contest (and was our way to keep track last minute participation.) We were also able to increased our email database because in order for them to participate, they needed to give us their email address.

6.       Measure the initiative’s success against your objectives: To monitor the success of our direct mailer, we asked for all those that either received the direct mailer or email, to please bring it with them when they came for the drawing (we redeemed them as they entered the contest).

The booth drive was a hit! It did exactly what we had planned – drew thousands of attendees to our booth and increased sales of our new product. And everyone who entered into the contest those left with a sample of our new eco-friendly bag. So regardless if they won the contest or not, they all “won” a gift.

Being able to utilize my creative vibe to the max is why I love marketing and what i do.

…jenn olivencia

Friday, September 23, 2011

Excuse want me to tweet? (jenn olivencia)

“So every day you each need to write a blog twice a day and Twitter about anything and everything and our products. It doesn’t matter if it’s about a delicious turkey sandwich you ate or if you gave 10cents to a panhandler, ALWAYS include to one of our product lines in your blogs. Just make sure that we are blogging/tweeting daily”. That was new responsibility given to my boss and I by the Director of Sales. Sheeeesh….really?! Another thing to add on my never ending list of responsiblities. Grrrrrr…..

At first I was bitter about the whole idea. Why am I blogging for work when I don’t even do it for personal satisfaction? Ugh! I despised the whole idea of (what I considered to be) a mindless marketing “tool.” I mean, I never even tweeted before, let alone felt compelled to disclose my daily life activities with 4000 strangers. Seriously, do they really care whether or not I use mayo on my sugar free bread? Or that I got into an argument in the checkout line at Kings because the woman in front of me demanded that the cashier honored her 9 expired coupons? Well, lo and behold after time, my tweet-infused-blogs seemed to be getting quite an audience! For some reason people seemed to really enjoy reading about my weekend memoirs of NYC roof-top party hopping, my love for building human pyramids in Central Park and having our reserved table in the Hamptons given to Russell Simmons and his entourage. Hey, maybe blogging wasn’t so bad after all - I was getting followers little by little. And it also doesn’t hurt to know that many of our distributors enjoyed my Twitter tweets and blogs so much that they placed orders on our products based on the “ideas” I somehow inspired them with. Plus my blogging endeavors start to build more traffic to our website, which increased every month by 45-60%. Awesome!  :takes a bow:

So what is the lesson I learned from forced blogging? Answer: brand awareness. I repeat: brand awareness. Even if I was “selling” my weekend escapades, I was really selling the brand of my company. Thus, learning the importance of blogging. Which leads me to say…

It totally makes sense for our class to have a blog because how will we learn or be introduced to the foundations of social media if we aren’t using social media? Reading isn’t enough. Putting our learning into constant action is the key to understanding the benefits of this medium called “social media”. I would like to learn more ways on how to take advantage of using this channel for brand awareness; in addition to getting to know a variety of other great marketing-idea-filled web sites.

A friend of mine, Ravi Yande, is an award-winning journalist. I’m going to follow his blog with gusto because he writes with such vivacity and I feel I will get great sense of how to write with such intriguing style.

Jenn Olivencia

Clarifying Unit #2


Some of you have reached out expressing confusion about the unit #2 homework.

Please do the reading and blog about the six steps to develop a social media strategy to build a personal brand. If you are having trouble finding Bulldog Reporter Social Media 2.0, please let me know and I will send you the PDF.

I did not provide you with a case study in class, so it is not possible for you to actually blog about it! My apologies if I have created any confusion.

We will have class on Monday night. Come prepared for a full session.

In addition to a discussion about setting up a social media strategy, we will have a guest speaker, Alison Davis, president of Davis & Company. She will discuss the importance of employees in a social media strategy.

Please call or email with questions.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

First of many...

It took me a while to finally start blogging for this class!

Besides being sick for the longest time, I could not figure out how to make myself an author. Obviously i got it working and now i'm excited to blog!

I think it's really cool for a class to have their own blog especially a class about social media. I use social media everyday for personal use and I've used it professionally so it's pretty cool to now use it for education.

I follow a few blogs that are made by celebrities, mostly the Kardashians. What i really want to know is if they actually write their own or if they have someone doing it for them. Here's their links:

I'm really looking forward to seeing if i like blogging or not and maybe i can start my own!

Looking forward to a fun class this semester :)


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

@Keanuniversity Social Media Class is Full of Awesome Bloggers

I am really proud of the first postings on "Monday Night Media Mix" @keanuniversity.

The class has done a fabulous job on their postings ... and clearly is a) reading the material; b) listening to me in class (that makes me feel good - so thank you).

As an avid social media user, I have many followers on LinkedIn and Twitter. Each week, I will take one entry and post it to my LinkedIn status and Tweet about it.

This week, I posted/tweeted about Dia's post about

Follow me @pjkrichman on Twitter or Perri Richman on LinkedIn. Retweet or repost from LinkedIn ... this will increase your personal brand, make you more searchable and demonstrate how you are supporting your social media colleagues.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cheers to the First

Hey guys,

So like many of you guys, I as well am new to blogging, still trying to get the hang of it.
I think it makes sense for our class to have a blog because it is a social media class. Social media has a huge impact on everyday life and everything we do.

I honestly had no idea what social media was really about and how much of a deal it really is. I feel we could all learn more about whats going on in the world with everyone's different opinions.

There's a few blogs that I actually follow, and I'm a girl so of course I love good gossip, especially about celebrities. He's also very funny.

I also enjoy a good laugh which is why I always follow FAIL BLOG, I love seeing all the stupid things that go on in the world, and the stuff people attempt to do which go bad.

Jennifer Campos

Ehem...THE..First Post

Yes, a class blog is perfect for a Social Media class. There is no better way to learn about something than to attack it hands on. Instead of just reading about it, we're actually practicing it which is different from most other classes.

The blog I've chosen to follow is It's a music blog that focuses on urban mainstream and underground music. It updates hourly with news and songs about some of the most popular artists from past and present.

How could I delete this?


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Starting Something New

Hopefully I started this correctly. If not I will get better as we go along.

Class was very interesting and the idea of getting involved in the social media sounds great. It's a chance for one to get more involved and work with others towards reaching a goal, no matter what it is.

From our discussion about which blogs to follow I'm still undecided on what specifically I would like to focus on. I do like news updates as well as celebrity gossip so my decision will most likely be one of these categories.

In reading some of our author’s pieces I found a couple interesting blogs. One which I have already considered following was which was mentioned and being that I do like to know what is going on around me I will definitely stay tuned.

Also, if anyone out there has any suggestions on what good blogs are out there that have to do with news, cooking or gossip, don’t hesitate to let me know!

I look forward to a great learning experience and maybe even establishing a personal brand for myself.

Blogger Newbie

As with my other classmates, this is my first attempt at posting.  I am excited to learn about all the different social medial avenues and how they can help in both my personal life and in my career.  I currently only have a Facebook account but because of this class I have just created my own blog, have joined LinkedIn, and will be creating a Twitter account in the coming days.

Having a class blog will be extremely helpful because it will allow the students to learn from each other, help us to make new friends and/or network, and gives us a place to share ideas.

In my leisure, I like to work out, keep up on the latest fashion trends, keep abreast of world news, and play games like scrabble or crossword puzzles.  So I will be following blogs such as,, and This Just In -

See you next Monday.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New to Blogging

Hey Guys! I have no clue how to do anything on here, but I'm trying.

It definitely makes sense for our class to have a blog because if we're going to be following them, why not have one? It's something we can all have in common and it will help us all become aware of the different types of social media out there.

I would like to get used to using as many different blogs I can. I don't follow many on a regular basis, but I've seen PostSecret before. I would also like to start following some news blogs because I don't have much time to watch the news anymore. If I can't see it on my phone, I don't see it at all.

I'm not good at this stuff, so bear with me. I definitely want to make the most out of this class!
Steph Cozad

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bad Publicity Is Not Just Publicity ...

“old as hell and mean as hell!”

“This teacher was by far the worst teacher I ever had.”


The atrocious comments you just had the pleasure of reading were in fact ratings for three randomly selected teachers on the (in)famous website, The issue with these comments isn’t the comment itself, but the fact that I can almost guarantee that any self-respecting student would never – EVER – take any of these professors after reading the rest of the comments.

At least I sure wouldn’t.

Now it’s not to say that these sources are even remotely legitimate or credible; they’re just peers that may have failed the class and hold a bitter grudge against a human being just doing their job.

Let’s look at the scope of this: the more people that rely on these ratings, less people enroll in the class, less classes of the subject are needed, more funding gets cut for that department, and now this individual can be out of a job.

Perhaps that’s a bit much. Maybe it’s not that serious, maybe it is. But the saying “bad publicity is still publicity” isn’t all its perked up to be.

In the real world, this is just a small-scale version of what would happen if, say a popular gossip site, created a potentially viral report based entirely on speculation of an important CEO (cough, cough – Steve Job’s “death”). The story could be completely falsified, but once word gets out, you better believe the company’s investors are going to start calling.

So what exactly does this have to do with the Monday Night Media Mix? We’re creating our own publicity.

In marketing, it's not about us learning the technical terms, it's about bringing our ideas to life. So how better to learn about social media than to become part of it?

Aside from the obvious perks of being able to promote our own class through our awesome blogs to allow for healthy and open discussion, we’re also able to channel our creativity, and what’s marketing without creativity?

Without creativity, we wouldn’t have the breathtaking and powerful movement that is Postsecret, the blog I intend to follow throughout the course of this class. I have been a religious fan (since high school!) of Frank Warren’s project, in which anonymous people submit their dark, lighthearted, agonizing, and humorous secrets every week.

Like the mission of this blog is to allow for open communication, Postsecret not only allows the world to share what they cannot say out loud, but it also resonates with each reader as it often says what we may be too afraid to share. For me, it’s more than just a blog, it’s therapy.

First Time Blogger. Right Here!

Hi everyone,

Took a while to make myself an author, but i got it done! Yes, this is my first time blogging, but I see I'm not alone.
I've been told that i have to try, to learn, so what better way to learn about social media than taking role in an actual blog? Blogging about our experiences and giving feedback as we go along the semester will help us become "experts" in blogging and know more about the social media market. I'm sure we will have a good idea of how NOT to bore the audience, what kind impact social media has on us and others, which social media method is the most effective, etc. Because its all about social media now, I hope to get the most out of this class. I don't want to be clueless about what it is and what to do, and end up not being as successful as I hope I could be someday.

I don't blog. But i did used to follow from time to time PostSecret. People send postcards, revealing secrets they have NEVER told, but it is anonymous. Its kind of cool to see people telling their secrets; everybody needs to let out their secrets to someone from time to time. You feel more relieved.
I did some surfing around and found The Big Picture, news stories but with photographs. Thought it was informational and eye-catching to see pictures maximized to emphasize things that we wouldn't pay attention to if they were posted in small pixels, with long boring paragraphs. I will be following the big picture, and go back to checking up on PostSecret, and hopefully ill be able to bring the latest news and untold secrets to you guys.

PS. Before i forget, i found a website where you can download Brian Carroll's "Writing for Digital Media" for free.

Thought I'd share it with you. Here's the link.

That is all for now.
Millie A.

First Time Blogging

Hello! I was clueless as to how to do this, which i still kinda of am so i wrote the following in the comment to the Welcome to class post:

With the blogging assignments due in class, I feel it is very important to do so for the lack of knowledge on something that is so vital in the social media world. Take me for instance, if I ever wanted to enter the social media job market, I would need to know a lot more than I do know, which hopefully will happen with this class.

I do however, follow a blog called US weekly, which is an app on my iPhone. It gives articles about celebrities and what they have been up too but it also allows subscribers to comment on the articles and voice their opinion. Im a gossip junky, I know, I check it at least three times daily. 

In addition to the gossip websites, with this class I would really like to start following more news blogs. I don't typically watch the news, which is very bad, but it tends to scare me. Hopefully with the blogs my opinion will change.

Hopefully this works this time!!
Kayla Kaplan

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Pull for Kean University Social Media Class

A big thank you to those of you who posted to our class blog.

Please remember to go back to the blog and check for my comments – and other comments from your colleagues / classmates. I have provided comments to those who have posted.

Remember, there is no class next week – I have a business trip and will not be able to make it to class. Please do the assignments from unit #2, email or call me with questions … and blog away. I will be online and checking.

On Tuesday morning, I tweeted about our class and our blog (@keanuniversity). Since then, I have received inquiries from several professors and a volleyball coach from Kean. They are presenting our class with some opportunities

The Kean volleyball team has developed a Facebook page and wants advice on how to make it more meaningful.

I invited the coach to class in October to discuss his objectives. We will do a group exercise / presentation on what he can do to make it better. I know that he will look for volunteer/s to help him with the page … I will offer extra credit and it’s an opportunity to increase your experience.

A Communications professor has asked me to come and speak to his class about social media in business.

I suggested that we schedule some later in the semester and have some of you join me in making this presentation. Any volunteers? I will also offer extra credit and this is a good visibility opportunity for you.

The Kean Corporate Relations department (ala, the PR people for Kean) are interested in getting our class involved with a new news site called

They want student contributors to the site … and they want to come to class and ask us to develop a plan for promoting this on campus.

We will have them to class when we discuss social media and PR in November. In the meantime, please let me know if you are interested in getting involved with Keanxchange … again, extra credit will be offered and another resume booster!
