At first all I really thought of blogging was to write whatever you wanted and how you felt, although that is still true, throughout the class we've learned about blogging writing techniques.
Blogging to me was like a baby learning how to walk, baby steps! Throughout the semester I believe to have gotten more comfortable with it and definitely noticed a different from when I first started, so I decided to go back and edit my old postings.
I went back to my post "SoundHound What?" and "A Dose Of Perez Hilton's own Medicine" and added visuals, to make it more attracting to read. I went back and did spell check on all of my posts and checked for grammar and went back and hyperlinked big names.
Blogging is something I would of never considered doing, but now that I've tried it, I think it's pretty cool.
Thanks Jennifer.
ReplyDeleteDo a little editing on this post (paragraph size, layout, spell check).
Appreciate the post. Well done. -Perri