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Monday, November 14, 2011

Hunting Down My Target

identifying the target audience based on my personal brand is very critical. It somewhat guides me into the direction that I need to go into making my brand grow.

As I mentioned before I would like to go after kids between the ages of 12 and 17 who are interested in the game of basketball. I feel that targeting parents is a key factor also for going after younger kids

Going after kids a parents online is a great tool to ctaching my target audience. By using google I can uses search words that can help me find my target audience. A few of them are listed below:
*basketball camps

Now After looking up theses words it helped me realized that my target audiece were "hanging out" on various social media sites. Facebook was very popular but I've notices other sites that were not viewed as a social media site to me before but after looking at the site thoroughly there are forums and profiles available.

  One thing that I found was the best way to engage with my taget auduence was that since all these websites had a facebook page and most profiles on these sites were linked up to the fabook page of the site, all I am requied to do is add myself to the group and from there add people to my personal group. From there i can go engage with them directly.
Rodlin pierre

1 comment:

  1. Rodlin,

    Thank you for the posting. I am going to challenge you to do a little more.

    There were two parts to this assignment:

    1. Listing the search words for your target audience.

    2. Listing the search words that describe your personal brand.

    3. Searching them both - and combinations of the two to find your target audience.

    4. And blogging about what you learned.

    Also, bear in mind that there are still grammatical errors in here and style issues.

    Please take another look / do a proofread.

    Thank you,
