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Sunday, November 27, 2011

What Lady Gaga, Turkey, and Personal Branding Have in Common

Discussing business during family time has always been taboo in my family. It's no surprise that discussing my personal brand with them during Thanksgiving was no easy task, but Lady Gaga definitely helped.

Lady Gaga, to me, has always been an inspiration for personal branding. Not because she's controversial or provocative, but because she has always stayed true to her personal brand.

In one segment of her special, A Very Gaga Thanksgiving, she made a couple of interesting points that summed up the consistency of her personal brand: she loves fashion and she loves music, and she does what she loves for her fans and her family.

This intimate conversation on national television gave me the perfect opportunity to bring my own personal brand up to my family and friends.

Everyone had the same consensus: the "eccentric" part of the eccentric marketing apprentice definitely fit.

My one cousin said marketing is perfect for me because I can "convince anyone that even murder is a good idea, so you should be good at selling things."

My brother proceeded to call me a nerd, so I assume that the apprentice aspect was accurate as well.

On Facebook, many of my friends noted that I should include my work ethic in my personal brand because it's always been an important part of my personality. One friend also mentioned that my stubbornness should fit in there somewhere as well, I responded in telling him I'm too stubborn to add that.

I am going to make sure to include my work ethic in my Linked-In as suggested. All in all, I believe it's safe to assume that I was on-point in creating my personal brand.

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