There are quite a few comical personalities at the table that love to voice their opinion on any topic whether it is welcomed or not.
So you can imagine the reaction I got when we finished dinner and I attempted to share my personal brand with the fam.
I felt like a failing comedian being booed off the stage after a terrible performance. But once I got their attention (well half anyway) I ran through my brand statement.
For the ones that actually listened they all said that it portrays my personality very well, but then my uncle Doug laughed and claimed I’m wasting my time with that “social media crap.” Clearly a man living in the past and not aware of the huge benefits it does bring to the table.
But since we were at the dinner table he took the opportunity to poke fun at the situation and attempt to steal my limelight, unfortunately for him I am far more clever and quick witted and returned fire with a comment that will go unmentioned but let’s just say, Josh 1 Uncle Doug 0.
Hence, Determination yet again.
~ Josh Bower
Well done, Josh. I like the post. Well written and good storytelling. An A piece. --Perri