Passionately. Intensely. Creatively. It’s how I write. I’ve been known to create a synopsis into a mini novella.
I wouldn’t say much has changed since when I first started writing my blogs with the exception of shortened headlines and sensibly drafting two-sentenced paragraphs. And not easy as I had thought it would’ve been!
Even though it was two small learning curves, I saw a significant change in readability. Writing at work gives me a great deal of experience, however without the foundation of blogging (which I have learned in class) my blogs could’ve been hit or misses with readers.
Fortunately for work, this class has given me a different mind-set to the art of blogging. My words are written with much more structure – almost as structured as the Brooklyn Bridge: precise tone, synergistic look, beautiful composition.
I will incorporate what I have learned in this class into my work and future blog endeavors.
Nice clean-up, Jenn. Wish it were not late - otherwise, you would have gotten an A. -Perri