So I have heard about Twitter all over the place, but was never to interested in trying it out. I understand the whole concept and idea and how it is used, but never really got into it myself. So I went out and created an account and played with it alittle and started to follow a bunch of my favorite celebrities.
As I have stated in many of my previous blogs, I am a celebrity gossip junkie and find it really cool that you can see what your favorite celebrities are doing, seeing pictures they post, and who they follow. I was instantly hooked.
A social media site such as Twitter is a great way for celebrities to get "one-on-one" so to say with their fans, or followers, as Twitter would say. Many celebrities will do question and answer sessions with their fans on twitter and other fun things to interact with fans.
For example, before I was into the whole Twitter thing, I remember a radio station holding a contest to meet Britney Spears and get tickets to her upcoming concert.
The radio station posted clues on Twitter every couple of hours for fans to find Britney somewhere throughout Manhattan, and the person who found her won. This is another way celebrities, radio stations, and anyone else in the public eye can interact with their fans.
For businesses I believe Twitter is a way to get average social media users to hear and learn about their businesses and products. Back to the celebrities, many businesses and companies will have their products endorsed by celebrities through their Twitter accounts trying to get more people to try them out and be interested to learn more about them.
All in all, considering how I just checked out Twitter to just merely see what it was about, I have to say I think that I see some tweeting in my future!
Facebook, social media at its best
Now on to Facebook. I have been using Facebook for years, and have been very knowledgeable to using it, at least I think so. Something though however that I have never used in the Facebook world, is the option to link my Facebook and Twitter accounts especially considering how I did not have a Twitter account until recently.
Linking the two accounts makes it very easy for the average user who uses both social media sites and especially for celebrities. Celebrities can post or interact with users only having to post to one site and it will automatically post to the other, becoming a way to interact with users on both social media sites and takes less time.
This always created the same advantage for businesses that are trying to get heard about and just the average user as well.
While this is just one feature offered by Facebook, the social media site is filled with many more features that can benefit businesses, celebrities, or just the average college student like myself.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post - personal to you, takes a point of view, is critical and you explored the idea of linking the two mediums together (nice).
Go back and edit this post for style -- use sub-headlines and headlines, no more than 2 short sentences in a paragraph, new headline.
This has the potential to be a great piece with some editing. Invest a bit of time. It might not help you long term with forensic accounting, but it's a good writing sample.
Perhaps your differentiation is that you are both serious enough for forensic accounting but light hearted too, enjoying celebrity gossip. You are well balanced.