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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Facebook and Twitter.

I don't really use the social media too much. If it wasn't for my boyfriends Facebook I probably wouldn't use it at all.

I go on his Facebook every once in a while so I know how it works. I mainly like going through our pictures because it brings back many great memories.

One thing though, he doesn't put captions on any pictures. Today I took the time to put captions on mostly all the pictures he has on his page. I wonder how long it will take for him to notice?

I've been thinking, maybe my boyfriend should've taken this class instead being that he also has a Twitter account. I had him show me how it works and it was pretty simple.

Well "we" are now following a bunch of random people on twitter as a test. Some people were tweeting about hotspots to hang out and some tweeting about daily nothing.

Just to be funny I had my boyfriend tweet about picking his nose. Turns out there are people out there who have a sense of humor and he actually gained one additional follower!

Well so far while using Facebook, it's helped us maintain a close relationship with distant friends and family. The purpose of using Twitter was to see where the hotspots were and when to go.

These social media sites could also benefit businesses and celebrities in the sense they help keep everyone connected. Doesn't matter who or where you are on in the world.

To be more specific, celebrities can use both types of social media sites to interact with their fans as well as bringing them to where they and letting them know when they are there. Even a business can benefit from this.

Using Facebook and Twitter can even benefit businesses. How? Popularity gain as well as free advertising simply because a celebrity mentioned they were there using the social media.

Everyone can benefit from the social media, but it can also work against those who don't know how to properly handle themselves when it comes to negative commentary.

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