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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Degrees vs GEDS

Sometimes I'm catching myself thinking, what the hell am I doing in school?! There's definitely more fun and easier routes to take. Got a great job and make good money, why not party all night and work all day?

A lot of people aren't meant for school and I think I might just be one of them(there's definitely worse). I just recently obtained my Associate's from Union County College and am trying to get my Bachelors here at Kean.

Now how the economy is going how far can the Bachelors take you? We got people graduating with their Bachelors not being able to obtain jobs or even positions that relate to their field of study.

Many times at work( I work at a bank) we get new hires or people trying to apply for positions in my company. They're getting started at entry level positions not even breaking 30k a year.

I can count the branch managers in my district that have college degrees with one hand! My cousin just graduated with a 3.0 in Education and she's asking me to get her a job? I thought her degree was in education!

Google some of these names if you don't recognize them, MARY KAY ASH, RICHARD BRANSON, COCO CHANEL, SIMON COWELL, MICHAEL DELL, BARRY DILLER, WALT DISNEY, DEBBI FIELDS, HENRY FORD, BILL GATS, MILTON HERSHEY, STEVE JOBS, RACHAEL RAY, TY WARNER, FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, because they all became billionares without receiving their degrees.

Sometimes companies are more interested with experienced people than degrees depending on what work field your in.

Now you might ask yourself, after this whole post what the hell are you doing in college? Well you know what I've done about 17 years of school non stop, I'm going to use my Bachelor's degree as the closure of that part of my life. I sure will be happy when I get that Degree!

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