For any of you who have never heard of foursquare, it is a location based social networking site. It is not nearly as popular as Facebook or Twitter, but you may have seen people checking in through foursquare on your Facebook news feeds as I have in the past.
Basically what foursquare is a social networking website, in which a person can "check-in" to places through an application for mobile devices, such as smart phones or IPads. Users are able to "check-in" at venues using a mobile website, text message, or the application, and selecting from a list of nearby locations.
While the concept is a good and original idea, with over 3 million check-in's a day, it doesn't really leave much else for the user to do except to check-in to different locations. Although foursquare does give out "badges" as incentives for checking in at all kinds of different locations, to me at least it doesn't offer as much to the social media user as Facebook or Twitter.
As far as the people that use foursquare, there are of course the average social media users, but celebrities are just recently showing up on foursquare. However, with celebrities you will most likely be checked in at a concert or scheduled appearance as to the fact that if they are checking in at Starbucks, it will create unwanted attention.
Some companies are also getting on board with Foursquare, such as Zagat, which leaves reviews and tips on good places to eat.
So while never too familiar with Foursquare and what it was all about before, after finding out what it is all about, I am definitely going to see what it is all about.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the posting - and for trying something new. Would you be willing to demonstrate this in class on Monday? Particularly its application to business?
I am going to use your post as an example in class - for our writing section.
I did an edit of your post in a separate posting called "Find Me at Foursquare." I want to demonstrate to the class that a great piece can be even better with additional polish around the edges. Your piece was great.
I recieved an email from a friend suggesting i get hooked up to Foursquare. I really had no idea what it was and was too lazy to look into it.
ReplyDeleteBut after reading your blog, i feel i understand the concept now. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much! I get a little nervous talking in front of my peers, but need practice for our presentations any way and am okay with demonstrating it. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteWe all get nervous talking in front of people.
ReplyDeleteEnvision a recruiter is coming to see how you speak and exude yourself into that situation. I'm sure you will overcome your nervousness.
Plus you have me intrigued about Foursquare and would love to learn how it works :o)
Haha thanks for the confidence boaster!
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine uses this and checks in where ever she goes. I think it's cool, but at the same time scary. What happens if your out checking in to all these places next thing you know you have a stalker.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought.. And don't worry you'll do great demonstrating!