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Monday, September 26, 2011

Ingenious Topics

I have never been the blogging type. I always thought that people who wrote Blogs were people who were just upset at the world and have confrontation issues so they just wrote on the web about it.

Three weeks ago my perceptions changed until I saw the comical side of ones story. My friend told me that he has a lot of down time at work so he just posts random stuff for example: One of his posts was about the importance of office supplies and another was if he could grow facial hair, what kind of manliness he would grow. Here is a short passage in his blog:

"For example, there are a variety of tools with the sole purpose of fastening loose pieces of paper together. At its most basic form, you have the paper clip, which is simple enough and can handle the basic duties of holding some paper together. Next come the binder clips, which have the ability to bind fatter stacks of paper together that an old fashioned paper clip just can't handle. "

After reading his blog daily, I have started to enjoy the purpose of a blog and my perception has changed completely. I look forward to sharing my worthless thoughts and opinions on countless topics.  Cheers.

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