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Monday, October 3, 2011

Social Media...The Workplace...Yeah, but no

Social Media in the workplace is a double edge sword. Yes, it can be helpful in everything relevant to the company from hiring to advertising when used the right way, but it can also be damaging to a company if used the wrong way. Proceed with caution.

Social Media has made information so easy to access. An A&R at a record label can discover new artists from the comfort of their home via music blogs, a reporter can write a story based of information from twitter, a child can even learn how to roll a joint via youtube.

Imagine information being able to spread that quickly in the workplace. I know a lot of people that check their facebook more than they check their e-mail or voicemail. An employer can get a mass message directly to employees using their personal facebook profiles.

A company can also use social media to advertise whatever they're selling. A lot of sites have a "share" feature that lets you send whatever you put in a particular post anywhere you want.

Then there is the bad side.

Put yourself in this scenario...

Your friend has a big birthday bash filled with all types of 'fun'. Some of this 'fun' is captured in pictures. Pictures are posted. You are unaware. Your boss wants to say hi to you on facebook. He sees your idea of 'fun''re done.

I'm sure we all remeber Snooki of Jersey Shore being punched by a gym teacher in a bar. The internet built that buzz. He was fired after that.

Employers don't want to get a bad name through Social Media.

and im done


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