What are the benefits of engaging employees in the Social Media?
Well for starters it keeps everyone aware or better yet on the same page. Keeping employees updated about company news allows everyone to stay ahead.
I can understand why some companies may be concerned about having employees partake in the social media and it getting out of hand, but there are ways for the company not to have to worry.
In the reading on chapter 2 in "Social Media 2.0" there lists a few ways the company can ensure a safe social media practice. Although not all companies are not to thrilled about the idea, their employees are putting themselves out there so they might as well set some guidelines.
Employees are sales people. They sell their company name just by discussing work related events outside of the work force or online to friends, family and even just random people tuning in.
What better way for a company to gain popularity then with free advertisement. Thanks to who? The company's very own employees!
There are definitely a set of rules that need to be set by the company for it's employees who are involved in the social media. As stated in "Social Media PR 2.0" (pgs 14-17) having an outlined policy and terms agreed upon is a great way to keep things smooth.
A company should educate it's employees of what the purpose of the social media is, what is and it not allowed to be discussed and considering who the audience is. Also, the consequences that follow anyone going against the company's social media policy.
In the end, as our guest speaker Alison Davis mentioned, for the companies that are not yet on board with the social media, it's something they should consider because they are staying behind.
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