I recently created a personal Twitter account before this class started, but now I hope to use it for business purposes.
I feel like in order to promote myself successfully via Twitter, the account should be my actual name. We connect with faces, so I added my actual photo to the profile, not a logo or image.
My content should be kept business related with advice, tips, and thoughtful opinions.
I need to start including my viewpoint on articles I post and sharing how the information could be valuable to my audience. Simply copying and pasting doesn't make me an expert.
I think when employees post meaningful items, the manager of the company should re-tweet them. It exposes followers to experts they have yet to meet.
Developing my individual brand ultimately strengthens my company brand.
In other words, by using Twitter and the various other social media tools, I plan to tweet my way to the top of my company/future company and continue to build up my brand.
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