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Monday, November 7, 2011

J.I.D.'s Worth: The Value Statement


For: Just real people in general...but people interested in Marketing, Music, and learning.

I Am: A marketing major who appreciates life and understands that if we're all breathing right now, then we probably have a lot of it left so we might as well make the most of it. I'm currently working at RCA records soaking up knowledge about the music industry and wants to build his own label from the ground up. And my 6th sense is humor.

That: Loves to work and loves to see it payoff. That understands to play his position but knows when to step up. That may behave madly usually with a method, but sometimes without.

Through: Hard work, creativity, and most importantly Judgement, Insight, and Determination

In A Way: Reliable

Through: Music planning to start his own successful record label however he has to.

1 comment:

  1. Honest, specific, genuine and probably written in a way that you think I want to read (without all of the jazz of your original drafts).

    But in all honesty, you are a great writer - wonderful style, good grammar, etc.

    This will take you a long way. Please let me know your honest thoughts.

    Thank you,
