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Monday, November 7, 2011

Juliet, Inc- My Brand Is Built (I just need a logo)

 For young men and women who find inspiration in their surroundings and know that they'll go to great lengths to accomplish the impossible.

I am an aspiring actress who will one day take over Hollywood!!!
I am currently a full time student at Kean and a part time intern for Next Day Entertainment.

I want to build a brand that is instantly recognizable, but not annoyingly oversaturated.

 I will have businesses in many aspects of the entertainment sector, but also open up the market to other business ventures such real estate and medicine. (shhh...a lady never tells all her secrets!!!)

I will accomplish my set goals by expanding my contacts and being more visible in community events. Almost like a miny socialite. Our classmate said it best-that our brand is not just public but it carries on into our personal lives; and its reflective of our everyday activities.

Many people including myself put their goals to the side because it seems unrealistic to others, but who cares...

Through finishing my education, experimenting and studying the entertainment field rigorously and creating an innovative look, I will be able to break up the monotony of the non-IT-girl in the acting world!!!

In a way this makes me inspiring!


  1. Juliet,

    I would like for you to revise your entry for style. Once you apply the writing learnings (paragraphs, headline that matches the story, etc.), I will take a review. Drop me a note!


  2. Juliet,

    Thank you for revising your post. You do not actually say what your personal brand is - what do you represent? What do you stand for?

    Please see me in class. Thank you, Perri
