For the first time, I was scheduled to work on thanksgiving day. Work made me missed getting dinner done with my brothers, or as my mom calls it “bonding time”.
But even though I didn’t get the chance to help out, I was in time for dinner and I even made it before my aunts, uncles, and cousins got to the house.
I have a big family and ever since I turned fifteen and moved to the adult table, I hear the same “remember that time” stories. It gets a little boring sometimes.
Well this year was different, while everybody was too busy eating and remembering the old times I decided to announce my personal brand.
Everybody was actually glad that I was talking about how I was doing in school, it reminded them that there are a few more weeks till im done.
My mom sort of knew about my blogging, but when I told her about my linkedin and twitter, she seemed very interested and even told me that what I had in mind was a good idea.
she also reminded me why she keeps telling me to make connections thru work and why I must engage myself with people who I think will help me in the future.
My aunt understood, agreed with all of the characteristics that I picked to described myself, gave me a phone number and email address of a person who she feels will be able to get me more involved in the business that im aiming to.
Which reminds me- I need to contact her as soon as possible.
My dad has never really been a social media guy, he’s old-fashioned. But after explaining it to him. He was glad to hear that I actually want to be my own boss, and not work for anyone else.
He likes to see that im planning ahead and is actually looking forward to see me put my goals into action.
The rest of the family gave me positive feedback as well, some didn’t really understand what I was talking about and just changed the topic.
But I personally didn’t really care if the rest liked my personal brand or not. I was just glad that my parents did because I want them to see that they’ve made a good investment with me.
Millie A.
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