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Monday, November 14, 2011

Social Media clean up

when I first started blogging I didn't realize that readers take notice to consistency; the way you place your pictures, fonts and writing styles.

After a couple tries I think I have gotten the handle of blogging with a purpose.

I have cleaned up my post by fixing my writing styles and staying consistent, deleting posts and re-arraning posts that had potential but just needed some tweaking.

Cleaning up the blog I think for everyone gave us a better understanding about our readers and who our target demographic is.

1 comment:

  1. Muyiwa,

    I like the image you selected - very clever. A few things on this post:

    1. Grammar, grammar grammar. Oh my goodness - take another read on this and fix it up! (e.g., do write with styles? Do you end a sentence with the word "is?" Do you start a post with a lower case i)?

    2. Your headline should have the first letter of each word capitalized.

    Go back and look at your other posts (proofread). And post me back when you have done it. I am giving you until tonight's class to proofread before I offer a grade.

