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Monday, September 26, 2011

Selling Yourself: The Art of Marketing.

Creating your personal brand is essential,
but whether you succeed or fail in doing so is up to YOU.

It is a competitive world out there- I know I'm not the only one trying to get a career; so the question is HOW TO DO IT? The key is not to over sell yourself. The key is to sell yourself as a leader; have an audience.

I have come up with six steps to keep in mind and HELP me make myself "attractive" in the social networks that employers and friends use on an everyday basis.

Step 1. Determine your objective

Take advantage of the latest social media networks to get my profile to reach employers, making relations that can be beneficial in the business world.

Step 2. Determine your audience’s aptitude
Get involved in Facebook, Blogging, Twitter & LinkedIn, relating and treating myself as one of them, but remembering to separate personal from professional.

Step 3. Carefully select your platforms and tools
Facebook to connect with friends/family. Blog- to keep readers updated about WHO I AM. Twitter & LinkedIn- to keep myself updated/connected with work related relations.

Step 4. Avoid content overload- curate the most interesting pieces
Blog/update in short and simple sentences. Not too much detail but not vague information either. Make use of different fonts/formats/images to attract attention and receive feedback.

Step 5. Empower your employees to build their personal brand
Friends or co-workers will see how useful and easy it is to interact with the social media world and will come to ask about it, or take initiative to do so as well.

Step 6. Measure the initiative’s success against your objectives
Receive feedback on what to improve is the goal, getting involved and known in every social network isn’t as important, because I will not be able to keep up with all of them. Better to start small and work yourself up than to be clueless, and look bad in ALL social media networks.

That's all for now.
Millie A.

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