Hey guys,
So like many of you guys, I as well am new to blogging, still trying to get the hang of it.
I think it makes sense for our class to have a blog because it is a social media class. Social media has a huge impact on everyday life and everything we do.
I honestly had no idea what social media was really about and how much of a deal it really is. I feel we could all learn more about whats going on in the world with everyone's different opinions.
There's a few blogs that I actually follow, www.perezhilton.com and www.failblog.com. I'm a girl so of course I love good gossip, especially about celebrities. He's also very funny.
I also enjoy a good laugh which is why I always follow FAIL BLOG, I love seeing all the stupid things that go on in the world, and the stuff people attempt to do which go bad.
Jennifer Campos
Failblog makes me cry from laughing so hard! Funniest site ever!